Sunday, July 5, 2015



I was inspired by looking over some other genealogy blogs to create one of my own, focusing on my own family history.  I have been researching my family tree for about three years, off and on, when I have money to pay the monthly bill for  However, some of my biggest finds have occurred at the library and other websites, so if you too are interested in researching your family tree, don't think it has to be done through expensive websites.

I am a 36 year old newlywed, so my surname is now my husband's.  However, my maiden name is Vogler, and I only knew my great-great grandfather's name, Paul George Vogler, when I first started researching. I will start posting more specifically and share some of what I've learned, and how I've learned it these past three years.  This blog will focus mostly on German ancestry, but will also include some Scotch-Irish as well.

Besides the Voglers, I've also been interested in researching other areas of my family tree including my paternal grandmother's families, the Fischers and Baldaufs; and my mother's side of the tree including the Bradys, the Valentines (both from VA/WV), and the Fitzgeralds from St. Louis.

Perhaps you stumbled on this blog from searching for Vogler and genealogy.  Perhaps you are interested in learning more about your own family.  I do have a subscription to Ancestry and would be happy to help.  Send me a message!

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